Not sure if you have pelvic floor dysfunction? Take this quick test to find out!
Friends of Flex
Local businesses in the Atlanta area that we know and trust.
Pelvic Pain
- Dr. Yogita Tailor, Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine
- Dr. John Vogel, Innovative Pain Care
Primary care
- Dr. Trenton Elliott, Elysium Health & Wellness
- Erin Everette, Druid Hills Primary Care
- Dr. Nicholas Farber, Advanced Urology
- Dr. Tariq Hakky, Atlanta Cosmetic Urology
- Dr. Alexcis Ford, Advanced Gynecology
Colorectal Surgeons
- Dr. Evan Feldman, ATL Colorectal Surgery
- Dr. Swetha Ramakrishnan, ATL Colorectal Surgery
Functional Medicine
- Kristin Oja, DNP, MNS, STAT Wellness
- Dr. Dan Shuman, FX Chiropractic
- Dr. Jessica Duncan, Well Adjusted Buckhead
- Dr. Danielle Drobbins, Midtown Family Wellness
Mental Health / Counseling
Massage / Body Workers
- Tom Price, Blue Med Spa
- Dr. Luke Presley, Kimchi & Presley

Products We Love
Pelvic and sexual health products we use, recommend, and trust for our patients wellness
Pelvic Pain
OhNut – For pain with deep penetration (Use coupon code: lanceinyourpants at checkout for $7 off!)
Dilators (Use coupon code: Lance1 for $5 off and free shipping)
Pelvic Wands (Use coupon code: Lance1 for $5 off and free shipping)
Pooping and Gut Health
GoodCleanLove – Organic personal lubricants (Use coupon code: lanceinyourpants for a discount)
Peeing and Continence
Kegel Exercise Weights (Use coupon code: Lance1 for $5 off and free shipping)